17 years in the planning and its finally here!

As the subject states, waterworks has been in the planning for the last 17 years and its finally here! The design premise was to have a central hub where my business staff and also my clients could meet online and discuss water.
Waterworks isn’t just a online dashboard where you can obtain data logging readings, its a water management reporting tool, allowing the user to gather information on their businesses water usage. This isn’t just water usage but also what survey and upgrading work has been carried out in the past, what was found, what leaks have been located.
It will also show where water systems have been upgraded, the user can have access to water system drawings, leak survey reports, legionella survey reports, how to guides, it also a project management tool!
Waterworks will also at a click of a button produce weekly and monthly consumption reports, highlighting any areas of concern to the client before the issue becomes out of control. Its possible to raise tickets and add notes so nothing gets lost, everything is in one place. Gone are the days of searching though different servers, email addresses, etc looking for information, its all on waterworks.
As waterworks is a bespoke programme built by our own in-house Engineers we can tailor the programme around the needs of the client.
Get in touch today for a free trial!
Wat-er-Save Services
Agriculture House
Acland Road
Dorchester DT1 1EF
(01305) 260151